ICE4 EC2: Instance
Launch Instance
Click lunch instance
Select Amazon Linux 2 AMI
Consider vCPU and Memory: t2.small ~ t2.large
Subnet set: ap-northeast-2c
For free tier up to 30GB as a General Purpose
Create or Select Security Group
Write Security Group Name and Description
SSH: 22, Anywhere, write a description
HTTP: 80, Anywhere
HTTPS: 443, Anywhere, write a description
API(backendCore): 8080, Anywhere, write a description
BO(frontBuilder): 3000, Anywhere, write a description
FO(basecamp): 8000, Anywhere, write a description
Choose ion.pem
Write Name as a representative
Connect Test on Terminal:
from existing file path:
chmod 400 ion.pem
ssh -i "ion.pem"
Instance State: Stop, Reboot, Terminate
Change Security Group
Manage IP Address
Automatically when Crete EC2 instance.
Write Project Name as an ICE4-dev
Security Group
Automatically when Crete EC2 instance.
Write Project Name as an ICE4-dev