Basecamp Directory Structure

Basecamp Directory Structure

Basecamp was generated by following Nuxtjs.

For more detail about source directory, please refer this link: Directory Structure

This document explains directory inside src

There are 8 main folders:

  1. src/common
    This folder contains common directives, filters and mixins which are used globally.

  2. src/components
    This folder contains:

    1. baseComponents contains small components which are imported in other components.
      These components are not registered on backendCore because they can't stand alone
      Ex: productItem was imported in bigger component such as productList & featureProduct

    2. commerce contains commerce components that can drag & drop on builder

    3. curations

    4. elements contains elements components which are sample component without any business logic, just use for display only

    5. layout contains layout components which are wrapping containers, grid system

    6. navigation contains navigation components of commerce component such as: header, footer and breadcrumb

    7. main.collection.js this file collects all components

  3. src/layouts
    Basecamp supports layouts changing, this folder contains those layouts.
    2 main layouts are Multikart & Unishop

  4. src/middleware
    This folder contains common middlewares such as authentication and dynamic route

  5. src/pages
    This folder contains static pages which are used to test first before integrate with builder

  6. src/plugins
    This folder contains both internal and external plugins

  7. src/static
    This folder contains assets of theme Multikart & Unishop

  8. src/store
    This folder contains Vuex store