I recommend you to watch the preview first.
This is only possible if your IP is added to the AWS firewall.
Tell the Crong your IP
Check your IP https://ident.me/ or https://ifconfig.co/
Install ⭐
Goal Sucess Message
> nc -zv localhost 13326 Connection to localhost port 13326 [tcp/*] succeeded!
If you get anything other than a success message.
DM Crong the contents of "cat ~/.log/autossh/metaflyer/error.log".
Install ⭐
> curl -fsSL https://www.ice.i-on.net/bash/metaflyer/bastion/autossh.sh | sh
check pid
> ps -ef|grep autossh 501 48863 1 0 6:04PM ?? 0:00.02 /opt/homebrew/bin/autossh -M 0 -NT -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o ServerAliveInterval 10 -o ServerAliveCountMax 3 -i ~/.ssh/dxp/bastion/id_rsa -L 13326:customer-rds-test-mf.dxp.internal:3306 bastion@bastion.ice.i-on.net -L 13326:customer-rds-prd-mf.dxp.internal:3306 bastion@bastion.ice.i-on.net
check launchctl with pid
> launchctl list | grep kr.co.metaflyer.autossh 48863 0 kr.co.metaflyer.autossh
check port
> nc -zv localhost 13326 Connection to localhost port 13326 [tcp/*] succeeded!
check log
> cat ~/.log/autossh/metaflyer/error.log
Manual Uninstall (Generally, it's not necessary.)
stop launchctl
launchctl stop kr.co.metaflyer.autossh && launchctl bootout gui/$UID ~/Library/LaunchAgents/kr.co.metaflyer.autossh.plist && ps -ef | grep autossh | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill -TERM
delete file
rm -rf ~/Library/LaunchAgents/kr.co.metaflyer.autossh.plist rm -rf ~/.ssh/dxp rm -rf ~/.log/autossh/metaflyer.log