I. Environment
System | Windows |
VueJs | 2.x |
IDEA Version | Intellij |
Git | Latest version source |
1. Install Git
Link: Git - Windows 10
2. Install Nodejs
Url: https://nodejs.org/en/ => Recommended For Most Users version
3. Install Yarn
Url: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/#windows-stable => npm install --global yarn
4. Install IntelliJ IDEA
Install IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate using Official Web site
Download - IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
Url: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/
Install - IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
II. ICE4 - Basecamp Project Setting For IntelliJ
1. Source Code Download
Git Clone
Click Get from VCS
Next, Enter the git link
URL: http://dcsf-dev08.i-on.net/dxp/basecamp.git
Write Username & Password
2. Git Checkout
Click right side in the bottom
Choose what you want to checkout git branch
3. Project Setting
Click Settings
Choose and install the plugin Vue.js for Vuejs syntax
Run npm install
Run yarn install
4. Change Domain Name
The default domain name is localhost
a. Instruction to change the domain name
Step 1: Open notepad with Run as administrator and open hosts file
Step 2: Enter the domain name: local.i-on.net
Step 3: Save file
Next, run yarn run loc
Url: http://local.i-on.net:8000
III. Update library on package.json
If you want to update package.json. Removing package-lock.json and then run npm install again